Ladies' Retreat Registration

Young Meadows partners with various ministries throughout Montgomery and the River Region to advance the gospel, bringing about revival and redemption.

Around the City


Awaken is a gospel-based, 12-Step recovery community helping individuals find hope, freedom, and recovery from sexual brokenness and addiction through a safe, supportive community through meetings that offer support, acceptance, and encouragement as they seek God’s help in recovery and come to believe a future is possible where life is no longer controlled by sexual acting or trauma.


Center for Urban Renewal and Evangelism

CURE Gospel Movement a ministry of Mission to North America (MNA) that seeks to influence a multiplying and mobilizing discipleship ministry, of Biblical and evangelistic leaders, on every Historic Black Campus in America! They also strive to develop biblical and evangelical leaders to impact our world through mentoring younger pastors and conducting training for individuals and churches through the Center for Urban Renewal and Evangelism (CURE).


Daughter by Design

Daughter by Design: helps women caught in domestic violence, sexual abuse, betrayal trauma and controlling relationships find hope and healing by taking a holistic approach to coaching, focusing on the mind, body, and spirit, for those struggling with the long-term effects of trauma and abusive relationships. Coaching services available and specialized training for ministry leaders to help you and your team understand the nuances of trauma care.


FCA: Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Young Meadows serves the coaches and athletes at a local public high school by providing pre-game meals for home games and ministering to players and coaches throughout the year.  Fellowship of Christian Athletes desires to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes; leading every coach and athlete across the state of Alabama into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church through our strategy of engaging, equipping, and empowering coaches and athletes to know and grow in Christ.

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First Choice Women's Medical Center

First Choice Women's Medical Center: strives to reach abortion-vulnerable members of our community in the name of Christ to make life their first choice by providing Christ-centered medical, parenting, and life-skill services to extend help, offer hope, and promote healing. They provide free pregnancy services and information on abortion through education, support, and empowering women facing unplanned pregnancies with compassionate and professional medical care.

First Choice

Flatline Church at Chisolm

Flatline Church at Chisolm seeks the lost, strengthens the weak, and serves the poor by producing believers who are doctrinally sound, spiritually mature, culturally relevant, and evangelistically engaged for the cause of Christ Jesus through a variety of ministries: the Advocacy Center, Food & Hospitality outreach, Flatline Community Coalition and the Flatline Movement, an arts movement to engage culture through the arts for the cause of Christ by producing artistic disciples that make disciples.


Friendship Mission

Friendship Mission works to end homelessness, as we know it, throughout Alabama’s River Region by demonstrating love and compassion in action by being a refuge for the homeless and hungry, offering shelter for men as well as women and children, and assisting our clients to become self-sufficient.


Grief Share

Grief Share is a Christ-centered program that helps people apply biblical principles when facing the emotions and life stresses following the death of a loved one and move through the grief process. Grief Share is a biblical, Christ-centered, grief support ministry for those who are struggling with loss where you will find understanding, guidance, relief and a safe place to navigate the challenges of grief. It is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Valuable guidance and tips will be shared through a thirteen week series of videos followed by supportive discussions. Find out more about our Grief Share Groups at Young Meadows here



Intervarsity is committed to seeing witnessing communities formed, where students are discipled in the way of Jesus and where students and faculty are mobilized to spread the good news to every corner of campus by empowering students to reach other students.


Life on Wheels

Life on Wheels uses the power of ultrasound to: Serve women, Save babies, Share Jesus. They are a licensed mobile medical unit that is out in the community five days per week at different locations in Montgomery. They offer help, support, and resources to women who are first finding out they are pregnant and help, education, and options for women who believe abortion is their only choice.


 MCS: Montgomery Christian School

Montgomery Christian School is an elementary, non-profit school where every student receives a scholarship in order to experience a quality private Christian education for families with limited school choice. They believe rigorous curriculum, dedicated educators, involved parents, and biblical worldview are vital to the success of students.


 River Region MomCo (formerly MOPS)

MomCo walks beside moms from pregnancy and beyond to help them be the very best moms they can be, show them the love and grace of Jesus Christ, and mentor them as they begin the motherhood journey.


Rooftop Friends

Rooftop Friends comes alongside children and adults with disabilities to render support during Sunday school and worship services as well as staff respite events, pray for families, and provide support to other community agencies who serve families living with disabilities.

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