Ladies' Retreat Registration

Young Meadows desires to provide a safe and healthy environment for all children to grow in their understanding and love of Jesus.

Children's Ministry Health & Wellness Policy

Young Meadow’s Children’s Ministry will have Nursery for both 9:30am Sunday School as well as the 10:45am Worship Service. We want to continue to provide your children with a safe, clean environment free from any communicable illnesses. 

Wellness Policy
Any child with a temperature above 100.4 will not be allowed to stay in the Nursery. If your child, or anyone in your immediate household has been exposed to a positive Covid case in the past 14 days, please do not attend or send your child.

Children attending the program should be in good health and free from communicable disease. Children should be free of fever (without fever reducing medication), diarrhea or vomiting symptoms for at least 48 hours before attending. Parents will be called and required to come pick up their child if any symptoms appear.

Please be reminded that this our policy for illnesses:

  • Fever: Child should be fever free for 48 hours without medication.
  • Vomiting/Diarrhea: Child should be episode free for 48 hours.
  • Rash: Any unexplained or contagious rash is cleared.
  • Strep Throat: Child should have started antibiotics 24 hours before attending.
  • Nasal Drainage: Child should not attend until clear.
  • Sore Throat/Cough: Child should not attend with a sore throat, croup or persistent coughing associated with a respiratory infection.
  • Pink Eye: Attend only after 24 hours of antibiotics, no matting or drainage occurs, and the child is no longer rubbing the eye.
  • Chicken Pox: Child may not attend until all spots are scabbed over and the child is no longer scratching or touching scabs.
  • Lice/Other Infestation: Children should not attend until after treatment, and all live lice and visible nits have been removed.
  • Covid: Children should not attend with a fever above 100.4 or multiple Covid symptoms until they are symptom and fever free for 72 hours.  

We are so excited to have your child in the Nursery! Please contact Jenn Gwin, Director of Children's Ministry, with any questions. We look forward to seeing you Sunday!