Ladies' Retreat Registration

Young Meadows desires to be a source of community and encouragement for our military families.

MomCo (formerly MOPS)

MomCo (formerly Mothers of Preschoolers) begins its 6th year at Young Meadows. The Young Meadows group will meet in the Fellowship Hall on the first and third Tuesdays of each month September through May. Childcare is provided by Young Meadows. 

Find out more here or contact the MomCo Coordinator at


"We only spent a year in Montgomery for a military school, but we instantly felt part of the family.  We'll be lifelong friends with people from Young Meadows.  Jay teaches straight from the Bible and is fired up about the gospel.  The church truly understands the challenges of military life and took great care of us.  You’ll be at home at Young Meadows!" Lt. Col. Tripp Johnson, ACSC

We want to welcome all of our military families to Montgomery. We know that transitions can be difficult, and we would love to help you in any way that we can

Date Night: Need a date night after your big move? Our high school and college students will offer free childcare as you transition to town. To make arrangements or get more information, contact Jenn Gwin,

Day Out: Want to get your kids out of the house so that you can unpack?  We’ll offer childcare so that you can get your house in order. For more information, contact Jenn Gwin,

Quick Connection:  Please join us for a small group gathering on Sunday evenings. For more information, contact Adam Coppock, (334) 244-1385 or mailto:

Bible Studies: On base Bible studies are conducted through Officer Christian Fellowship on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings.  A Friday night OCF small group is also available for you to connect with other military families. Contact Tim Tormey for more details